

Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

What You Need To Know About Gaps Between Teeth

Your smile is a unique imprint of your personality. Most of us get conscious about our smiles if we have a small gap between our teeth. A perfect set of pearly white is considered definitely more confident and impactful. But are there any hazards related to this teeth gap? This condition is called Diastema. Small but noticeable gaps are common for kids but also for adults.

Most people might be concerned about the aesthetics of their teeth, but it can result in some serious health hazards. You must visit our experts at Grangerland Dentists TX, to get your teeth checked. With the expert’s guidance, you can understand more about symptoms, prevention, and treatment of the condition.

What is Diastema?

Diastema is a clinically used term to define small gaps between teeth. Usually, it is present in between two frontal teeth. Gaps between teeth can be big or small but can be the result of some gum diseases. It is essential to ensure no gum disease is caused due to these gaps. Even if you do not have any symptoms, there is no harm in getting your teeth checked.

Most people with tooth spacing issues do not have any condition for gum diseases. But if they observe any redness, swelling, or periodontal disease symptoms, they must visit the dentists quickly.

What Causes Distema?

Many causes can result in gaps between your teeth. Your dentist can observe and rule out the right cause that can help you with its treatment. Here are some possible causes for diastema; let’s take a look:

  • Natural growth
    Gapped teeth can occur naturally in kids. Kids do not have upper canines, and the space for these teeth can cause natural gaps between the teeth.
  • Abnormal Position/ Shape of Teeth
    If your teeth are not in the right shape or position, gaps between the teeth are relatively common. It can also result in crowding of teeth. You need to wear braces to apply the correct pressure and support. Braces will also help them from drifting apart.
  • Missing Teeth
    The most common cause of gaps is underdeveloped or missing teeth. This condition results in gapped front teeth where upper lateral incisors are missing.
  • Outgrown Labial Frenum
    The labial frenum is a tissue that covers the gum above the teeth and upper lip. If it is thick and outgrows, it can cause a gap between teeth at the front. You can go for a minor cosmetic surgery to reduce its thickness.
  • Periodontitis
    If you have a periodontal condition, your gums and teeth might get damaged. This can also result in tooth loss and form a gap. You will need dental implants to fill such gaps.
  • Falling of Baby Teeth
    Tooth loss can result in diastema. Falling of baby teeth or permanent teeth can result in gaps.
  • Wrong Habits
    Habits like biting lower lips, and thumb sucking, can result in diastema in kids. Also, adults with tongue piercings can budge their teeth constantly and cause gaps between them.

Cosmetic treatments For Diastema

Most treatment for diastema is considered cosmetic. However, if there is a periodontal condition present, you need to treat that condition first. Here are some treatments for diastema, you can take a look at:

  • Dental Bonding
    A colored resin is poured into the gap between your teeth. It is then shaped like a teeth and polished for a natural appearance.
  • Porcelain Veneers
    These are custom-ceramic shells that are joined to frontal teeth. The caps fill the small gaps between teeth and offer a uniform appearance.
  • Braces
    Most dentists suggest braces to treat irregular teeth and gaps between teeth. Braces are a standard treatment for people with more significant gaps or unnaturally shaped teeth.
  • Frenectomy
    This is a cosmetic procedure that reduces the thickness of your tissue called the labial frenum. It is done with some other methods, including dental bonding or veneers, to provide better results.
  • Dental bridge
    A dental bridge is a popular treatment to fill gaps between teeth caused due to missing teeth. A bridge is placed between two healthy teeth, and they act as an anchor for your new dental restoration.
  • Dental implants
    Dental implants are similar procedures to dental bridges. They, however, do not need neighboring teeth. In this, a titanium post is used to replace missing teeth.

Common Symptoms

The most common symptom of diastema is gapped teeth. However, there are some other symptoms that need your immediate attention. You must seek immediate medical attention if you have any of these symptoms, along with gaps between teeth.

  • Receding Gums
  • Swollen & Tender Gums
  • Bad Breath
  • Bleeding Gums
  • Loose Teeth
  • Bright Red Gums

Final Thoughts

Your teeth are an essential part of your appearance. You might consider gaps between teeth as a flaw in your looks, but sometimes, they can be hazardous to your health as well. You must visit your dentist at regular intervals to keep up your dental hygiene. Gaps between teeth can be caused due to a variety of reasons but you must ensure you take all preventive measures. With our experts at Grangerland Dentists TX, you can treat and prevent various conditions with regular checkups.